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Carers/Parents Information

 Restart Programme 


Brooke Taylor Education Consultancy Ltd (BTEC) delivers our ‘Restart Programme’ for Local Authorities, Schools and Care Agencies for Children Looked After (CLA), School Non Attenders, Children in Need, SEN delivering bespoke educational support programmes during term time and holiday periods.


Complaints:  Please speak with your tutor in the first instance to try and sort out any complaint you may have. Please contact Kelly Brooke via email/writing or by telephone to complain about any of our service delivery. We take all complaints seriously and this forms a part of our continuous improvement programme. You will have complete confidentiality.


Communication:  Good communications is important to us and you can ask us and our team anything.  Please don’t be afraid to ask anything.


Timetables:  We will provide you with an individual timetable each week. Please be aware that programme content can change at anytime depending on availability, staffing and weather.


School Holidays: We operate during term times however we can provide support during

school holidays if required but this has to be agreed with the organisations which fund us


Equipment/PPE:  We provide all the Equipment/Personal Protection Equipment for all activities.


Travel:  We provide all transport to and from home/pick up / drop off place and for all activities. Please let us know if your child requires any special transport requirements


SEN/ECHP:  We aim to work towards meeting each child’s needs as per their SEN Statement/ECHP

Programme Content/Design:  All Restart Programmes are bespoke and Individualised to meet each child’s needs and we design programme content / activities with each child at the start of their programme


Meet & Greet:  We 'meet and greet' all new Pupils and Carers before starting a Restart Programme and this normally is at home or local venue and is an opportunity to ask questions and to get to know your support workers


Special Requests: Please let us know of any special requests you or your child may have, and we will try our best to deliver it.


Feedback:  We provide verbal feedback for you at the end of each session. We also provide written feedback to the agency which has commissioned us, and you can request to have copies of these reports. We can provide feedback on request for various meetings – please ask your tutor or contact Kelly Brooke


Personal Belongings:  We cannot take any responsibility for personal belongings and please don’t let your child bring expensive items with them which could get damaged or lost


Mobile Phones:  We discourage children from bringing their phones and we cannot take any responsibility for their loss or damage and should only be used for emergency purposes


Photo’s:  We do take photos of children during their sessions/activities as we often produce a photobook at the end of their programme. You can request copies of photos at any time via your Tutor or email us. Let us know if you do not want any photo's taken


Educational Resources:  We provide all the educational resources (pens, paper, books etc.)


Emergencies:  In case of emergency please call your Tutor or Kelly Brooke 


Clothing:  We will inform you in advance of the activities for each session and clothing requirements. We do not have a uniform but please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for each activity and weather conditions.


Cancelation:  Please let us know as soon as possible if you must cancel a session and we will try and make alternative dates/times 


Times:  We will inform you and confirm pick up and drop off times. Please ensure you are at home/drop off point on time. We will not leave a child unsupervised at home. Please make sure breakfast or lunch has been taken before the session and that your child is ready.


Medication:  Please inform us of any medication to be taken. Please provide us with a letter with what the medication is and how to give the medication. Please inform us of any side effects of the medication.


Safeguarding:  All BTEC/Restart staff are DBS enhanced checked. If you have any safeguarding concerns or questions, please contact Kelly Brooke DSL ( 01438 560103) or contact your school contact, Social Worker, SEND officer or your Local Authority safeguarding team


Fees:  We do not charge any fees as we are commissioned to deliver our Restart Programme. Our programme includes all transport, activities and food and refreshments


Dietary Requirements:  Please inform us of any dietary requirements and any foods/drinks to avoid


Allergies:  Please inform us of any allergies your child may have


Sun Protection:  Can you please supply your tutor with sun creams/lotions on sunny days and a hat if required.


PEP’s / CLA meetings:  We can attend Personal Education Plans and Children Looked After Reviews.  Please give us as much notice as possible.

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